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Human Design Introduction
Have you heard about Human Design? It’s one of the newer modalities that’s getting a lot of buzz in the self-discovery space. Called the Science of Differentiation, Human Design provides a deeply personal system for self-awareness, authenticity and transformation. In this 30 minute Intro workshop, you’ll get an overview of the system and learn some of the key messages, principles and foundational concepts, plus get your Free Bodygraph so you can start learning more about your own design.
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{{ session.minutes }} séance d'une minute
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À propos Lauren Ivy
Lauren Ivy
Lauren Ivy is the founder of Open to Alchemy. She is a trained Human Design Reader & Guide, Reiki 2 Practitioner, Compassionate Integrity Facilitator and Certified Health & Wellness Coach. A life-long spiritual seeker, she loves learning and sharing tools and...
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