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{{ rating.class_name }}
{{ rating.short_date }}
{{ rating.user.full_name }}
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Human Design: Strategy
Your strategy is the way you are meant to engage with the world, how to best exchange energy with people, ideas, opportunities. In this 30 minute session, we will dive into the 4 different strategies so you can learn how to get what you want without struggle, minimizing wasted energy and negative thoughts. Bring your Bodygraph to know your specific strategy.
Informazioni aggiuntive
Make sure you have your bodygraph, available at
Dettagli del programma
{{ session.minutes }} sessione minuto
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Classe dal vivo
Di Lauren Ivy
Lauren Ivy
Lauren Ivy is the founder of Open to Alchemy. She is a trained Human Design Reader & Guide, Reiki 2 Practitioner, Compassionate Integrity Facilitator and Certified Health & Wellness Coach. A life-long spiritual seeker, she loves learning and sharing tools and...
Studenti (3)
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